
A Day with Matt Farley, The World’s Most Prolific Artist

I admire Matt Farley and what he represents. I predict that he will one day be recognized as one of the emblematic creatives of his era. For this reason, I travelled to Peabody, Massachusetts for the Motern Extravaganza, an annual concert and fan event Farley holds in his own honour.

Thunderous Feminism: The Legacy of the Northern Woman Journal

On printing day of the famed Thunder Bay feminist publication, one woman would type on an electric typewriter while volunteers spread the issue’s pages on the counters and stools of what was formerly a Finnish restaurant — still smelling of the fryer oil.

Who is the REAL Psycho Goreman?

Despite only recently encountering Earth and its cultures, the medium of comics hasn’t been lost on the “Arch-Duke of Nightmares.” We speak with Psycho Goreman’s caretakers about his new graphic adventures.

The Tide Turns in Time

How Michael Novick and his street action political zine Turning the Tide evolved to put radical media in the hands of the people.

In the Beginning was the End: 50 Years of Devo

Like the oscillations on an energy dome, the de-evolution doctrine of some geeky Akron, Ohio punkers has echoed for generations, inspiring underground art scenes for most of a century. This is the story of art and Devo.

Dr. Bug and Mr. Game Freak: The Fanzine Origins of Pokémon

In 1983, 17-year-old Satoshi Tajiri created Game Freak, a handmade tips-and-tricks guide for his favourite arcade games. If the name sounds familiar, it’s because Tajiri also happens to be the creator of the highest-grossing video game of all time.

Hardcore in the Void: The Return of Anti-Matter

“There were definitely times where I thought, ‘I could really use a conversation with someone who’s just seen it all.’” Texas is the Reason’s Norman Brannon discusses his reasons for reviving his ’90s hardcore zine.