Stay Free

Stay Free

I like Stay Free. I like it a lot, actually. It’s all about analyzing the advertisements we’re force-fed, instead of swallowing them like hot chocolate. The cover of this issue sports a rip-off of apple’s rainbow IMac ads, except in this case they’re handguns not computers. The features include “How Advertising Can Wreck Your Health,” a history of pharmaceutical ads by Carrie; “Moving Violations,” a lament about bus wraps by Alexandra Ringe; “How To Tend a Garden In New York,” a compilation of the tactics utilized by NYC community activists to save their green spaces. Unfortunately, by the end of Stay Free, I was hoping for just a little more variation, a different voice, an opposing opinion or fresh perspective. (EPW)

magazine, #16, fall/winter 1999, Carrie McLaren, PO Box 306 Prince St. Station, NYC, NY, (USA) 10012,

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