Tillinghast’s Moribund Fairy_Tales

Tillinghast’s Moribund Fairy_Tales

Dear H.P. Lovecraft, I know we’ve never met and I’ve never read any of your books (though I’ve seen Re_Animator and From Beyond), but I feel like I know you. Every time I happen upon baroquely rendered pen and ink comics that gleefully recount myths of cannibalistic street spectres and evil pond fairies, I hear the call of Cthulu. I hear your voice. But I don’t know what you look like, so I see in my mind’s eye the denizens of my high school war games society, all pimply faced in clothes their moms picked out for them. I see their binders encrusted with epithets copied from the Necronomicon and ballpoint doodles of minor demons. I know you linger in these souls for years to come. One day we will meet face to face and I will try not to jump when you say, “Boo!” (TD)

comic, #1, 18 pages, $2, Eric York, Maggot Central Command, POB 905, Flagstaff AZ 86001_0905 USA

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