
Poetry Zine, Alan Ganev, Booklet #4 of The Future Gymnasium  Department Series,  Paper Pusher, paperpusher.ca, $10

If there was ever a “professionally-made”  zine, this must be it. Presented as a  “booklet of romantic collage poems” by  Paper Pusher, Fatima reads like a gentle  hallucinogenic trip through Alice’s  Wonderland, minus the threatening  Queen. Most of the poems here don’t  make much sense, at least not literally.  Narratives are hinted at, but one cannot  quite grasp them. Emotions are present,  but also just a little out of reach. But the  words are the right ones, and snuggle  next to each other comfortably the way  they should in good poetry. The design is minimalistic and the  micro poems (which generally range  from two to six short lines) are printed  in a dark greenish-blue on stiff, brown  paper that has been salvaged. There  are no illustrations save for the collage  on the cover by JP King. The focus here  is given entirely to the sparse, clipped  poetry.  Fatima reads like a dream, the  one where you are not sure where you  are or what you are doing, but you sort  of know that you are dreaming, and it’s  nice to just relax into it. (Leanne Wang)

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