Pick Your Poison

memoir, #1&2, 48 pgs each, $1 US + stamps, Nate Gangelhoff, PO Box 8995, Minneapolis, MN 55408, [email protected]

Aww, man. If I get another life after this one, I want to spend at least some of it being a little badass suburban kid, mouthing off to my teachers and doing petty crimes like Nate Gangelhoff. Especially if I get to write about it as well as he does. These two zines collect little stories about badass things he and his friends did between the ages of about eight and 15, with a few from the present thrown in for good measure – things like shoplifting, getting drunk, breaking into malls, running from the cops. Even the sad stories about fucked-up kids have an infectious momentum, and overall the zine is hilarious the way hanging out with your favourite smart, poorly behaved thirteen-year-old is hilarious. Compulsively readable. (Wendy Banks)

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