I have all three issues of Spunk here. In my head they all kind of roll into one big spunky mass, which is either a good or a bad thing. See, I’m really undecided about Spunk. It is a very well-crafted, well-written, well-illustrated magazine (in zine format) that really should catch my interest, but somehow it doesn’t, more often than not. Here’s a (really bad) analogy: I think of Spunk as New York City. I’m really intrigued by it, it seems full of stuff I am completely interested in, and it just looks exciting beyond belief. But, ultimately, I have a creeping suspicion that it’s all smoke and mirrors. Is Spunk giving me anything more than what I have read elsewhere? Not really. It just doesn’t grab me, despite its many merits (and really, the writing is superb, the package is clean)…I just don’t find it inspiring. I hope I’m pulled in by future issues, because I do believe Spunk has a bright future. (Jon Pressick)