Small Change

Starts with the rambling poem Office Job, which has some great lines like – “I’d dance to your rhythm of your Clickclick clicking/My body your mousepad/Let’s sweep for mines.” Further ruminations on minesweepers ensue, as well as thoughts on the origins of the name Starbuck’s and a prose rumination on how phones are ushering in the end of sound. More office poems – including the bitterly enjoyable Staff Mtg. and more prose ruminations, this time some thoughts on how the commercialization of the Vancouver gay pride parade is changing the meaning of the event. So, okay, a diverse little zine with plenty to read. Well written and thought out if not particularly groundbreaking. (Hal Niedzviecki)

zine, #2, $4, 307-1298 West 10th Ave., Vancouver, BC, V6H 1J4