With articles like ‘Yes I’m Korean. No I don’t hit my girlfriend.’ Banana Magazine is a sophisticated high-tech publication with a mission and medium that satisfies a much broader audience than one would initially anticipate. Yuki Hayashi investigates the dating of non-Asian men in a piece called ‘Yellow Fever.’ That said, Banana Magazine’s content, in general, is a confluence of personal experience and pop-culture relevance with an accessible Asian-Canadian focus. Self-satire comes in the form of: “Was it because they thought I ate dogs?” as well as articles which disarm the notion that all Vietnamese Vancouverites are drug dealers. There’s a somewhat deadpan interview with Miss Canada International: “Korean Pride is one of our culture’s worse and best qualities at different times”. Also included is a field guide to Karaoke participants, (Derek Toye’s illustrations are supremely triumphant here) and tons of fashion spreads, some you won’t find in the standard glossy rags. (Nathaniel G. Moore)
magazine, $4.95, 140-8380 Langdowne Rd, Suite 554, Richmond, BC, V6X 169, bananamagazine.com