Ladyfriend: The Driving Issue

This issue is about everything related to driving: cars, mechanics, road trips, backseat sex, car thieves, and so much more. I’ll admit that this issue did not intrigue me at first, causing me to leave it to the bottom of my review pile. I don’t exactly love cars, and I would for sure chose walking or biking over driving any day of the week, so the idea of reading about cars for 41 pages was not that thrilling to me. I was wrong though since this driving issue is great. The content is of high quality, well written, and covering a wide array of topics from the personal to the practical. I really enjoyed Christa’s “Van-tastic Voyages” in which she reviews some lesser known tourists attractions such as Wigwam Village (a weird tepee-style motel), the hometown of Superman (they call it The Planet!), and what is in my opinion the most intriguing attraction of all: West Virginia’s Mind-Baffling Mystery Hole. I also enjoyed the Book Mobile interview as well as the interview with Chris Cozad, a lady mechanic who gives out some good advice for women who are sick of getting ripped off every time their car needs repair. The whole thing looks good too. Oh and the best thing about this zine has to be the Create-a-Car page where you get to make your own car using scissors and a glue stick. Great fun! (Audrey Gagnon)

zine, #3, 41 pages, $2 + postage, Christa, PO BOX 606118, Cleveland OH, 44106,, [email protected]