
‘Present’ radiates a brooding and insular spirit

Alias Ensemble delivers magic in ‘A Splendour Of Heart’

‘Noopiming Sessions’ creates a meditative ambiance through its lasting lure

“The Would-Be President” is a bizarre and punchy play that parodies Donald Trump

‘Guest #11’ feels like a final artifact of a time that is never coming back

The carnivalesque zine ‘Cabaret’ is a feast for the eyes

‘Gender Goals’ takes the reader through a poetic journey

Growing and Growing

Reignite the greatness of clip art with ‘NXOEED’

‘From the Other One’ details a poignant and heartbreaking story regarding regret and shame

‘Disconnection’ looks privilege right in the eye

The Desert Is the Country of Madness

Queer Scientists Decolonize the Field One Zine at a Time

Harley R. Pageot discusses their 10th year of zine-making (their longest relationship yet) in ‘Yard Sale! #42’

Learn how to live a full life despite all the grief with ‘The Sibling Grief Buddy Book’

‘Make Events Accessible’ is a suitable guide on increasing accessibility for the disabled community

Cat City

‘The Lonely Impulse’ asks, can free societies deploy the arts in threats of the modern age?

First Family

A take on parenting advice and other meaty topics with ‘Hollywood Forever Cemetery’

Nourish your body and soul in these difficult times with ‘Électron Libre’

‘Civilization’ will blow you right through the classroom wall

Robert Gauvinov keeps up a new wave of zine-making with ‘Les Carnets de Rastapopoulos #14’

Getting off your ass and doing the thing with ‘Alternative Incite’


Keeping it Just BeTwain Friends

Art Holes: Spaces of Resistance

‘Bawaajigan: Stories of Power’ explores the challenges of preserving culture, residential schools, sexual assault and racism

‘The Baudelaire Fractal’ is deeply personal and intricately philosophical, served alongside fashionable outfits

Tell Me Something That Matters

Issue #89

In This Issue:

Music Reviews