
If the adage “Don’t Mess with Texas” is true, please discount the followings words as I know not what I say…. and so on and so forth. Don’t get me wrong, Thoughtworm is a nice looking zine. The cover is a lovely shade of navy blue and it features a cute picture of an oddly cheerful night crawler. However, it’s the content that leaves me somewhat wanting. This issue is dedicated to author Sean Stewart’s love of music and it goes into great detail about his time spent in various punk rock bands with names like Kevorkian Fundraiser, Duct Tape and my personal favourite, White Trash Carpet. In addition, Stewart discusses some of his favourite bands growing up and his experiences at local basement hardcore shows. There is definitely a wealth of juicy material here, but I found Stewart’s writing style to be a smidge too dull for the tales he is trying to convey. When he writes about his time logged in bands while in college, he does so with all the passion of your grandmother describing her cataract surgery. That being said, these are Stewart’s own personal memories and experiences, and I give him “mad props” for sharing these with his readership without engaging in any glossed-over revisionist history. Thoughtworm is not a bad read. It’s just not one that’s going to inspire you to quit your job and sail across Russia. (CG)

perzine, #9, 24 pages, Sean Stewart, $2, 1703 Southwest Parkway, Witchita Falls TX, USA, 76302,

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