An Autobiographical Memoir of New Kentucky

He says on page 1 that “this zine is not about whining.” Oh, but it is, Bob, it is. “People like my writing. Sometimes it seems like people like everything I do, I hate it. It’s like I just want to fail so badly sometimes.” With this zine, Bob, like, succeeds. Bob provides almost 18 pages of such grief (his friend Lemma in Portland stands in for two). The best things here are a trigonometry lesson on page one (Woooo hooo!), and the sarcastic Classified Ads in the back — but even they peter out: “Mercury Shortage? Are you short on heavy metals in your diet (we’re not talking Slayer here)?” Har! Har! This zine is proof that playing with fonts and clip art is not a substitute for life. (Shaun Smith)

zine, 18 pages, Bob, $?, 11053 89th Ave., Edmonton, AB, T6G 0Z7, [email protected]

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