Les Carnets de Rastapopoulos

Whoa, cut ‘n’ paste and typewriter madness. The layout, that is. The first article is about a book that describes how God is an alien race that spoke to Moses. This isn’t really a book review, it’s more like a 2-page version of the book. Next there’s an exposé about how Canada had to reduce its food standards to adhere to NAFTA, and how that affects the kind of food we get – from veggies at the grocery store to McNuggets at the local McDicks. Other features include a Nascar aptitude test, an article about state oppression in Sierra Leone, and a 1958 Bob Morane book review. This zine is all over the place…Rob’s pretty enthusiastic for sure, and it makes for good reading, but I wished he would concentrate on fewer topics, or find some way to make this into a cohesive entity. He also commits two cardinal sins of zinedom: small, unreadable type and bad photocopying, although only on certain pages. Overall, I like it, but I am left hanging. I guess the price is right. (Frandroid Atreides)

zine, 16 pages, half-legal, Rob, free, 169 East 22nd, Vancouver, BC, V5V 1T5


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